Adaptive Climbing
Boulders' Adaptive Climbing Program is a free opportunity for people with any level of ability to participate in rock climbing. It is a volunteer-run program with a medium-small community that is focused on making climbing more accessible. Our Adaptive Climbing Program has the tools and knowledge to help those who may need additional physical support on the wall.
Once a year this group also hosts a weekend-long adaptive climbing trip to Devil's Lake State Park!
When: Last Sunday of every month 11am - 1pm
Where: Boulders Eastside Location (3964 Commercial Ave)
Questions? Email: adaptiveclimbing@bouldersgym.com
(Please allow some time for a response, you’ll receive a response prior to our next scheduled meet-up.)
We believe that climbing is for everyone and every body. Check out this video for a more in-depth look at the Adaptive Climbing program.